Sunday, December 20, 2009

this week in science we continued to learn more about force diagrams, but we were mostly foucusing on friction. friction is basicly the force pushing back on the motion. we had to write a story about friction and in a world with no friction it would be like you could not drive or walk anywere because you can never get footing. so we have to have friction in our lives everyday. then we started to observe the sleeping dogg and how it moves when it have friction and how it moves when it does not. knowing this will help me in the real life because if someone ever asked what friction is i can give them a whole thing about it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

this week in science we continued our learning on force and force diagrams. over the weeks we have been getting different scenarios like the one that we got at the end of the week with the girl in the elevator. basicly this was a girl on and elevator and she had a scale and when the elevator went down she lost weight and when the elevator went up she gained weight. so after discusing this we decided that she is losing weight because she is going with the elevator making there less force on the scale. but when the elevator is going up she is applying extra force on the scale making the number of nutiens increase.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

this week in science after we were all done with the test and ready to move on to the next unit we were talking about force. force can get very complicated but to make a vvisual to understand it more Mr. Segen introduced us to a force diagram. A force diagram is not that much different then the passed diagram, it consits of a positive and negative directions, drawings like dots, but the detail that is essential to a excelant force diagrame are lables. examples of lables that will be needed are: ammount of nutons. a notun is a number that discribes how much force is being pulled. you also need to tell which direction the force is going. and last what is interacting with it like the earth or a person. earth meaning gravity and person meaning pulling. that raps it up

GreEn TeaM************