Friday, March 6, 2009

This week in science was to me a very important week because in the begginig of the week we where still leaning about genetics but only this week we took it to a whole nother level. LIke we started to learn the proprer names for the geno types like homozygous would mean the same and heterozygous would mean different but also we stated to talk about if they where recesive or domanite which basicly means if it is domanit it can eighter be AA or Aa but if it is recesive it could be aa but it also depends on if it is heterozygous or homo. So later it the week we started to test our knowledge and do an experiment which intails us cutting out pieces of sperm and egg cells and putting them in a jar to test if the percents that we have are correct. Then on the last day friday we had a pop quiz which was not to bad if you knew what you where talking about. So i learned a lot this week it was a good week

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