Friday, December 19, 2008

Today in science we did not do that muchwritten work but verbally we learned a lot. in the begging mr.finley checked our homework and we also went over it and while we where going over it we all learned that when someone is talking and telling you information you remember it a lot better thenwhen we read information. So anway later in the period Mr.finley tryed to show us how the glass of water with a whole on it can suchtion on to something so he tryed to do it but while he did it the book was to heavey so the water went everyware it was pretty funny, then he wanted redemption so he tryed it a gain but this time he got a a lighter piece of paper and he was succusfull. so that is about all that happened today. Have a good weekend!!

1 comment:

Fin said...

Less videos on your side bar please.